Monday, December 8, 2008

Groovy User Groups

If you read the Community News in the December issue of GroovyMag, then you already know about the two new US Groovy User Groups.   The Chicago Groovy User Group is holding their first meeting in January and the Gateway Groovy Users will be holding our first meeting this week!  

December 10th at 6:30 pm in downtown St. Louis Contegix will be hosting the first meeting of the Gateway Groovy Users.  If you are in, or can get to, the St. Louis area and are interested in Groovy, Grails, Griffon, etc, please plan on joining us.  You can join the Google group to keep up to date -   The website should be live soon, and that will be announced on the mailing list.  

This is an exciting time to be working in this fast growing and just plain fun technology.  I think we will be seeing many more Groovy/ Grails user groups in the near future.  If you know of one that is starting up in your area, drop me a line and I'll be happy to help get the word out.


Anonymous said...

Anyone from Boston interested in starting a user group?

Dave Klein said...

Hi Anonymous,

Have you checked with the folks at the New England JUG? I know there are several Groovy enthusiasts in that group. The site is even written with Grails! If you get something started, please post back here.